Wagner Venas -São Gonçalo (RJ) - 14nov24
Parabéns pelo trabalho maravilhoso que se inicia!
Forte abraço, meu amigo Marlon! Que Deus nos proteja e nos dê a sabedoria dos grandes pra que possamos finalizar com êxito esse trabalho!
Now That's What I Call Music - United States, Nevada, Las Vegas - 27jan24
Hey, your music caught my attention very much because it's really original.
Christina - United States, Georgia, Atlanta - 21out23
Today, I stumbled upon your awesome music that people should listen. I just shared your page with family.
Samantha -United States, New York, New York - 22ago23
Hi!!! Oh Why I haven't gotten a chance to listen to your music before?! Now You know I'm a huge fan of you and your music Right after this I am about to listen to your songs-- I'm excited Best of luck
Camila - United States, Illinois, Chicago - 24dez22
hi just found your lovely side. It's really great to listen to emotionally carried songs. Great !! happy holidays to you!!
Helen - United Kingdom, Isle Of Arran - 24jul22
Hi, I love what you are doing here, your songs are very good. Keep up the good work.
Best wishes
Charlene - Canada, Yukon, Dawson - 26mar22
Hi! What I'm saying is it would be awesome if you put some of your later tracks, where I can listen to them conveniently because they're awesome! Thank you!
Tom Replay - United States, Alabama, Mobile - 29dez21
Great stuff luv ya stuff keep doin' it happy new year
Craig - United States, Pennsylvania, Kreamer - 28dez21
Hey there and I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend!! I LOVE YOUR MUSIC. NOW I'M A FAN!!
Abe - United Kingdom, Glasgow - 25dez21
Have a Safe & Happy Holiday! Hope to hear more from you in the New Year.
Apryl - Canada, Quebec, Pointe-Claire - 24dez21
I really like your music! Hope you enjoy Christmas eve with the ones you love and step into the new year with lots of happiness and good health.
Valynda - United States, Wisconsin, Milwaukee - 23dez21
Your music deserves way more plays! These songs are fire - Respect to you!
Mark Zafferani - United States, Indiana, Indianapolis - 19dez21
Your music? I think all I can say is... wow. Stay healthy and have a magical holiday season!
Maggie Gablehouse - United States, Florida, Archer - 07dez21
Hi! I really enjoy listening to your music. I wish for you and yours a safe and joyous Holiday Season!
Latisha - United States, New Jersey, New Jersey - 24nov21
Just want to thank you for your music and hope you have a great Thanksgiving this year
Louilza - São Gonçalo (RJ) - 26set21
Antes de falar do artista talentoso, preciso expressar toda minha admiração pelo ser humano lindo que é o Marlon Borges. São tantas as suas qualidades que não caberiam aqui... Então, falemos das suas composições e canções que tocam fundo nos corações daqueles que tem ou tiveram o privilégio de escutá-las. Sua voz doce, suave e imponente ao mesmo tempo, nos leva amor, alento e alegria, aprimorando ainda mais nosso gosto musical. Eu Amo e admiro muito o Ser Humano e o Artista que com sua Arte nos encanta! Todo Sucesso para vc, Marlon Borges. Você merece! Sou sua fã!
Sabrina - Boston - USA -15ago21
Ei, gosto da primeira faixa da sua lista de músicas. Eu quero ouvir o álbum inteiro!
Lunna Borges - Rio, 13ago2021
O grande responsável pelo meu bom gosto musical. Sou extremamente privilegiada por poder escutar sua doce voz e melodias desde a época em que estava na barriga da minha mãe. Grande músico e compositor do qual tenho MUITO orgulho!
India - Florida - USA - 03jun21
Your music is absolutely awesome!! You are doing a great job. Keep it up.
Jo - Indiana - USA - 22mai21
First of all, your music is so inspiring. The kind of stuff that can help you get through those really rough days, (You've been there through some of mine recently, and I don't know if I can tell you how much your music has helped.) I hope to be able to be here to watch all of your future albums come out, and watch your fanbase grow. All in all, thankyou for being so amazing. =] And here's well wishes for everything you do in the future, because you deserve only the best.
Shantel - Illinois - USA - 06mai21
Hi! I really like your tunes. So glad I discovered you on here!!
Amira - Ontario - Canada - 06mai21
Keep up the great inspiring work. You are great.
Mark - Ontário - Canadá - 05mai21
Vale muito a pena ouvir sua música diariamente! Estou ansioso para as novas músicas.
Anita - Nova York - USA - 20set20
Que bom que encontrei sua música. É um prazer ouvir e compartilhar
Lydia - Pensilvania - EUA - 14ago2020
Hi! I absolutely love your music!!!! The more I listen, the more I like it! Thank You for the music!
Nancy - Ontário - Canadá - 15jun2020
I am so incredibly amazed by your songs. Congrats and here's to a great album and a great artist!
Meicha - Nova York - EUA - 10jun2020
Hi I'm really enjoying your stuff and looking forward to hearing the new songs. Can't wait to check em out... Hugs
Mai - Nevada - EUA - 25mai2020
Hey, Great music keep it up. Dm me when you have some new material!
Cynthia - Denver - EUA - 15mai2020
Hi! You've got a great sound it and can't wait for the new songs! Keep up the good work! I hope you are staying safe and healthy through these unusual times!
Rochana - United States - 23abr2020
Hey, ran across your website while looking for recommendations. I really like your songs! I've put you on my playlist for good. Thanks for the great music! Take care
Audrey - United States - 23mar2020
I always saw your profile in new artists recommendations but never took the time to listen to any of the music. Ever since yesterday I have been listening to your songs over and over again. What great music!
Kirk - United States - 07mar2020
I really enjoyed listening to your music!
Mike - Austrália - 18fev2020
Hi, Just checked in to your site and listened to the tunes. You have an AWESOME music, but I had no success while searching for any link to buy your album here!!!
Rebecca - United States - 17jan2020
Hey!!! Played your music today though your music was great!
Jordana - United States - 30dez2019
Hi! Received a recommendation about your site and all and was dropping in to see and listen! Wow! I have added you to my favs on n1m.
Cláudia - Australia - 14dez2019
I love your music!!, you truly talented seriously...Celebrate the Wonder and the Joy of the Festive Season. Happy holidays!
Bessie - Canada - 14nov2019
Please tell me where the online store is where I can purchase your albums. I have looked at N1M. Thanks
TWill - united Kingdom - 23out2019
Thank you for sharing your talent... I feel blessed to know you in this life...Keep your music alive... It sounds great and I feel your heart and soul in all that you do and share with the world....
Tabitha - Ohio - EUA, 23out2019
Hello, I'd like to buy your greatest hits album. Let me know how, please.
Adolfo - Londres, 30mai2019
Great recordings. Really enjoyed your music and had to hear more. Good luck and keep up the music.
Amy - Tennessee - EUA, 23mai2019
Hi, amazing songs! do you have any merch for sale? Perhaps T-shirts with your name
Everette - Salford - United Kingdom, 22mai2019
Plz add more tracks, i wanna hear new songs
Shawn - Texas - EUA, 23abr2019
Hey - Believe it or not, this is the first time I have been on your website. It is absolutely awesome!!!
Gregory - Ilha Principe Edward - Canadá, 20abr2019
A big thanx for posting your songs. In fact I have listened to all your available tracks, best wishes for the future and thanx again.
Dan - Ohio - EUA, 13fev2019
EGreat music, I just found out about you tonight, just intime for me to add all your stuff to my collection for listening next week. Thanks for making such amazing music.
Denise - Chicago - EUA, 02fev2019
Sorry to bother you, i'm trying to purchase your songs!
Agnes - Canadá, 01fev2019
love your songs. Just great. Good luck with your career.
Natesh - Londres - Inglaterra, 07jan2019
Hey, I've been checking out your website and music, it's all fab. I wish for you that, with every year, you achieve all of your dreams. May God pour love and care on you. Happy New Year.
Jessie - Montreal - Canadá, 25dez2018
Wow... A shiver runs up my spine when I listen to your tunes.. your music is are breathtakingly talented...Happy holidays and merry Christmas!
Keisha - Quebec - Canadá, 30out2018
Eu acho que sua música é ótima. Peço a todos os meus amigos que compartilhem seu site, acredito que isso ajuda você a conseguir mais seguidores. Ouvi sua música! Você tem muito Talento!
Karen - Tennessee - EUA, 28out2018
UAU! Eu me apaixonei pela sua música! ! Desculpe, é meio piegas, mas é como me sinto. Eu sou sua fã. Acabei de encaminhar seu link para vários amigos. Comprarei seu álbum. Continue assim, você tem um talento maravilhoso ... boa sorte!
Tânia Ribeiro - Niterói (RJ), 20mar2017
Marlon Borges, desejo muito sucesso e uma longa carreira musical. Seu repertório é nota dez. Parabéns.
Dora - USA, 26jan2017
"I've been listening to your music in these last couple of days non stop, I played your music for my friends at a dinner party and everybody instantly loved it. "
Alison Macondray - USA, 29nov2016
“hi, just listened to your tune Menino again and I must tell you that your music is AMAZING!! You definitely have to join our network at N1M, so we can recommend your stuff via newsfeeed as well. It works great for my brother's music. Just thought I'd pass along the information. Cheers!”